The Society's quarterly journal, The Endeavour, winner in 2009 of both the Nick Vine Hall Award and the Elizabeth Simpson Award, contains articles of special interest for members, who are encouraged to contribute articles, "good luck" stories and research enquiries and so share their experiences and knowledge. Cost to non-members is $4.50 per copy, plus postage . Our journal has a wide distribution, being received by over five hundred members and exchanged with many other societies. Anyone wishing to advertise commercially in The Endeavour is requested to contact the Society for our current advertising rates. E-NEWSLETTER
The eNEWS is produced fortnightly to keep members up to date with Society news, happenings in the family history world generally, breaking news and notices of events of interest that come to hand in the periods between monthly meetings. SUTHERLAND SHIRE - SOME EARLY RESIDENTS
Compiled by Maree McKinley and Sue Hewitt, Sutherland Shire - Some Early Residents, contains stories about families residing in the Sutherland Shire around the time of the formation of the Sutherland Shire Council in 1906. Many of the families came from the St George area to the Sutherland Shire where some descendants still reside. This soft cover book is in A4 format, contains 128 pages and is fully indexed. The cost is $20 plus $2.80 packaging and postage. |
To mark the 25th anniversary of the Society a Time Capsule DVD has been created, recording the growth of the Society from its modest beginnings in 1984 to an organisation of more than 440 members with a permanent home at our Research Centre and Library at 184 Gannons Road (south) Caringbah NSW. The DVD contains interviews with foundation and other members speaking about the formation of the Society, its early days and other reminiscences. It details the long search for research centre premises, the Woronora Cemetery indexing project, with footage of genie fairs, bus trips, Christmas parties and conferences. The video is a tribute not only to the foundation and other members featured in it, but is also intended to acknowledge the great debt owed to the countless other members whose contributions during those 25 years have made the Society into the successful, progressive and friendly organisation it is today. Available at the Research Centre. Cost: Gold coin donation. 25TH ANNIVERSARY SLIDESHOW
Contains over 300 photographs contributed by members in DVD slideshow format covering 25 years of the Society's history. Also featured are photos taken at the 25th Anniversary Dinner in August 2009. The DVD is viewable on both TV and computer and includes JPG files for all photos. Available at the Research Centre. Cost: Gold coin donation. |